Last Stop Before Tomorrow

| November 27, 2016 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: October 1, 2015

Year of Publication: 2015

Publisher: iUniverse

Author(s): Tim Hicks

Three characters face issues of climate change and our human relationship with technology through the millennia. Prometheus, bringer of fire, and Pandora, the inquisitive, figure prominently in the narrative, their legacies hanging in the balance. Will the outcome be tragic or transcendent?

Last Stop Before Tomorrow shares the compelling tale of three people as they wrestle with the riddles, paradoxes, and dilemmas of climate change and technology, and search for answers to the human predicament and their own lives.

Jules, a computer genius, finds himself working with Sir Henry Percival McIntyre, CEO of a multinational energy company, who knows he must change the course of his global enterprise as humanity struggles to change the course of history. Maryanne, Jules’s artist lover, distrusts the alliance and is filled with premonitions.

As Maryanne, Jules, and Sir Henry are brought together, they are swept along on a journey accompanied by Prometheus, bringer of fire, and Pandora, the inquisitive, whose legacies also hang in the balance as they wonder if the outcome will be tragic or transcendent.

Find out more about Last Stop Before Tomorrow and upcoming events! The novel is available through iUniverse and Amazon in paperback and ebook versions.

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