Paris Summit: The ‘End of the Beginning’ for the Climate Fight?

| October 7, 2015 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: October 1, 2015

Year of Publication: 2015

Publisher: The Huffington Post UK, AOL (UK) Limited

Author(s): Tony Juniper

Tony Juniper reflects on the upcoming Paris Summit as an event to mark progress rather than make it in the movement to reduce emissions and climate change.

No single meeting or event can ‘solve’ climate change; Paris is part of a long process. And there is a major danger here. Should the Paris summit be judged a failure because the sum of the commitments made does not reach two degrees, this will strengthen the narrative of climate change deniers and detractors who are already primed, gleefully, to proclaim failure. They’ll use that storyline to block national implementation, foster mistrust and to prop-up the high-carbon status quo.

Read the full article through the link above.

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