Is “resilience” the new sustainababble?

| January 16, 2015 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: January 16, 2015

Year of Publication: 2015

Publication City: Satna Rosa, CA

Publisher: Post Carbon Institute

Author(s): Laurie Mazur, Denise Fairchild

Laurie Mazue and Denise Fairchild question the current, and growing, use of the term ‘resilience’ with the hope that it does not follow in the path of  ‘sustainability’.

“Does all this talk about resilience mean that we’ve basically given up on averting climate change and other environmental catastrophes — and that our only hope is to roll with the punches? Have we leapfrogged over denial, anger, and bargaining, landing squarely in acceptance?

“Not necessarily. Resilience, like sustainability before it, is an idea with potentially transformative power. Resilience is all about our capacity to survive and thrive in the face of disruptions of all kinds. If we were to take resilience seriously (highly recommended in our increasingly disruption-prone world), we would make some far-reaching changes in how we live.”

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