Yardfarmers Trailer is Out!

| February 4, 2016 | Leave a Comment

What happens when you take six young Americans and move them back in with their parents to farm their parents’ yards or neighborhood greenspace? Do these young yardfarmers grow sustainable food, new local economic opportunities for their communities, and a heightened level of family togetherness? Or do they do battle at every turn, fighting with their frustrated folks, irritated community members, and an unforgiving Mother Nature? Does this new path make economic sense or just make enemies?

Yardfarmers—a new reality TV/documentary series hybrid for release in Spring 2017—will follow a diverse set of young Americans  as they move back home with their parents to become yardfarmers. Over the course of one growing season the contestants will compete for the honor of becoming “America’s Best Yardfarmer,” and a substantial prize.

Learn more about the project.

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