Active Remedy Ltd. showcases Sacred Groves and Green Corridors for climate adaptation

| April 22, 2016 | Leave a Comment

Since 2003 Active Remedy Ltd. has been researching the relationship between the global water cycle, climate and mixed mountain forests. The group has looked into the extreme imbalances that are presently taking place within the global water cycle and the greatly exacerbating effects that the mass deforestation of mixed mountain forests worldwide is having upon this cycle. Therefore, Active Remedy Ltd. set out to find a way to get mountain regions reforested globally within the next thirty years. Since 2006, in conjunction with mountain communities of the Himalayas, Active Remedy Ltd. has been designing a method/tool that could be used to facilitate this.

This method/tool is called The Sacred Groves and Green Corridors (SGGC) method. It is a method of working directly with mountain communities that integrates modern and traditional knowledge conservation methods. It does this through combining the conservation methods of sacred groves, green-corridors/greenbelts, permaculture and companion planting. Because it has been formulated in relation to these communities, it offers a diversity of approaches that are in harmony with and are adaptable to local ecosystems and the social values, traditions and spiritual customs of local people. This method has not solely been formulated for implementation in the Himalayas. It has been designed such that it can be applied and adapted to facilitate worldwide ecological restoration, preservation and adaptation efforts.

On the 30th of March 2016 the secretariat of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) wrote to Active Remedy Ltd. inviting the group to contribute towards a worldwide database on the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for climate adaptation. In response to this request, Active Remedy Ltd. submitted a document outlining The Sacred Groves and Green Corridors method.

Hopefully by being showcased by the UNFCCC, the Sacred Groves and Green Corridors method will be in the position to provide a useful formula that many groups and individuals around the world can use in their efforts to address the very real threats of climate change and water shortages and disasters.

More information and the full document can be accessed here. Active Remedy Ltd. participates in the MAHB Community as a node, learn more about the group and stay up to date with recent news here.

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