Catalysing mass commitment to transformational change

| June 11, 2019 | Leave a Comment

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Author(s): Andrew Gains

This is a presentation about how we can align to catalyse mainstream commitment to a life-affirming culture, rather than continuing on our present course of ecological self-destruction. Actually, it’s part presentation and part conversation. We are exploring ideas together.

It is designed to be done face-to-face. Physical markers pasted on cardboard are laid down one at a time to tell a story and connect the dots. They help people keep track of what could be a very complex conversation.

Many people have found this presentation persuasive, because it is concise, connect the dots, and makes sense. As a result, they become enthusiastic about seeding the goal of transitioning to a life-affirming culture into mainstream society.

The purpose of this presentation/conversation is to

  • quickly take people’s thinking to the level of whole system change
  • introduce the overarching goal of transitioning to a life-affirming culture
  • show how we can align to catalyse a movement to seed both the goal and the understanding of what’s involved into mainstream culture.

It has four sections:

• Five Steps to an Effective Movement for Large-Scale Transformative Change

• Big Picture Drivers of Global Warming

• Connecting Aspiration with Practical Action (With a side section on partnership-respect relating in contrast to domination control relating)

• The Great Transition Initiative


Find the complete article available for download at the top of this page. 

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.