The Earth’s Environment is at a Crossroads. Solutions Exist. The Time for Action is Now.

| September 15, 2017 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: September 11, 2017

Year of Publication: 2017

Publisher: Blue Planet Prize, The Asahi Glass Foundation

Author(s): Tom Lovejoy, Jane Lubchenco, Bob Watson

A press statement from Blue Planet Prize laureates: Tom Lovejoy, Jane Lubchenco, and Bob Watson.

There is no doubt that the Earth’s environment is at a crossroads and that the time for action is now. We know that policies and technologies exist to safeguard the environment that are cost effective and socially acceptable, but the question is whether there is the public and political will to address them.

The authors argue that the current policies on the table to safeguard biodiversity and limit the effects of climate change do not go far enough. Further they claim that we have socially and economically viable policies, technologies, and practices at our disposal —will we use them?



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