Noam Chomsky explains how the United States is committing ‘a form of criminality with literally no historical antecedent’

| September 2, 2019 | Leave a Comment

Noam Chomsky

Item Link: Access the Resource

Publication Info: AlterNet

Date of Publication: August 13, 2019

Author(s): Cody Fenwick

In a new interview with MIT Press, famed linguist and political thinker Noam Chomsky offered brief thoughts on the dangers our society faces.

“A very broad question, but perhaps one that speaks to the times we’re living in right now: What do you regard these days as a cause for optimism?” asked MIT Press Director Amy Brand of the 90-year-old.

Despite the question, Chomsky focused more on what trouble him about the present than what gives him optimism. He noted that these times are “extremely dangerous,” perhaps “more so than ever before in human history.” He noted that history could essentially come to an end if we don’t address the threats posed by nuclear weapons and “environmental catastrophe.”

So how should these challenges be addressed? Read on here or read the full interview here.

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