Population: the multiplier of everything else | #OvercomingOvershoot S01 E05 on EarthxTV

| April 25, 2021 | Leave a Comment


Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: February

Year of Publication: 2021

Publication City: Dallas, TX

Publisher: EarthX

Author(s): Gary Wockner


Population: the multiplier of everything else

Every major problem facing humanity is exacerbated by a needlessly ballooning human population. So why is the explosive growth of the human family—more than sevenfold since the Industrial Revolution and still expanding rapidly—generally ignored by policy makers and the media? And why has the environmental movement chosen to be mostly silent about the fundamental driver of species loss and the destruction of wildlife habitats around the globe?

Host: Gary Wockner
Guests: William Ryerson and Florence Blondel

#OvercomingOvershoot takes a deep look at the myriad symptoms of ecological overshoot by way of thoughtful conversations with experts and visionaries exploring not only what’s going wrong but also what solution pathways are available to overcome overshoot. Moderated by eco-rockstar, Gary Wockner, this show will serve as an essential hub to connect people from around the world on this most pressing concern.

Our population has expanded explosively over the past few centuries, now seven times greater than it was prior to the Industrial Revolution. As it continues to grow, so does the concern of scholars and activists for the future of our children. Join us as we take a holistic view on this issue from all angles in a collective effort to protect life as we know it on Earth.

Watch the video here:

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