The Human Eco-Predicament: Overshoot and the Population Conundrum

| December 10, 2022 | Leave a Comment

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Publication Info: doi:10.1553/p-eznb-ekgc

Year of Publication: 2022

Publication City: Vienna, Austria

Publisher: Vienna Institute of Demography

Author(s): William E. Rees

Journal: Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2023

Volume: ISSN 1728-5305 Online Edition


The human enterprise is in overshoot, depleting essential ecosystems faster than they can regenerate and polluting the ecosphere beyond nature’s assimilative capacity. Overshoot is a meta-problem that is the cause of most symptoms of eco-crisis, including climate change, landscape degradation and biodiversity loss. The proximate driver of overshoot is excessive energy and material ‘throughput’ to serve the global economy.

Both rising incomes (consumption) and population growth contribute to the growing human eco-footprint, but increasing throughput due to population growth is the larger factor at the margin. (Egregious and widening inequality is a separate socio-political problem.) Mainstream approaches to alleviating various symptoms of overshoot merely reinforce the status quo.

This is counter-productive, as overshoot is ultimately a terminal condition. The continuity of civilisation will require a cooperative, planned contraction of both the material economy and human populations, beginning with a personal to civilisational transformation of the fundamental values, beliefs, assumptions and attitudes underpinning neoliberal/capitalist industrial society.

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