Voluntary family planning to minimise and mitigate climate change

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Date of Publication: May 20, 2016

Year of Publication: 2016

Publication City: London, UK

Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group, British Medical Association

Author(s): John Guillebaud

Journal: The BMJ

Volume: 353

Pages: i2102

John Guillebaud calls for action to tackle the effect of a rapidly growing world population on greenhouse gas production

INTRODUCTION: Simply put, climate change is caused by excessive production of greenhouse gases. As highlighted by the late Professor Tony McMichael, the “cause(s) of the causes” should not be overlooked.1 With climate change already close to an irreversible tipping point, urgent action is needed to reduce not only our mean (carbon) footprints but also the “number of feet”—that is, the growing population either already creating large footprints or aspiring to do so. Wise and compassionate promotion of contraceptive care and education in a rights based, culturally appropriate framework offers a cost effective strategy to reduce greenhouse gases. This article outlines the evidence for voluntary accessible family planning as a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.

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