We’re Moving Mountains to Fight Coronavirus. Why Not Climate Change? | Opinion

| May 18, 2020 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: April 22

Year of Publication: 2020

Publisher: Newsweek

Author(s): Robert Walker

There is nothing like a pandemic to illustrate what the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. once described as the “fierce urgency of now.” The battle against COVID-19 is far from over—more missteps may come, and resurgences might occur. But at least for now, stay-at-home orders, social distancing requirements and other emergency measures appear to be “flattening the curve” in the U.S. and other hard-hit countries. It proves that collective, effective action in the face of a common enemy is possible, so long as the threat is imminent, evident and lethal. That raises a question about other global challenges, including climate change, that may be less immediate, but no less important. What will it take to spur effective action on them?

Read the full article here.

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