Hope on Earth: A Conversation

| May 12, 2014 | Leave a Comment


The newly released Hope on Earth is the thought-provoking result of a lively and wide-ranging conversation between Paul R. Ehrlich and Michael Charles Tobias available now through Amazon.com.

“This book, about the state of the world, takes the form of a dialogue between two eloquent writers, Ehrlich and Tobias. Why read a dialogue, instead of the usual book written from beginning to end by one author? The Greek philosopher Plato figured out the answer over 2,000 years ago: a dialogue can be much more exciting than a monologue, because it offers the human interest of a conversation, and offers two rather than just one point of view. Whether or not you think that you already understand the state of the world, you’ll enjoy and learn from this vivid dialogue.” –Jared Diamond

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