Ptolemaic Environmentalism

| March 1, 2014 | Leave a Comment

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Author(s): Eileen Crist

An essay from Eileen Crist on the driving role of anthropocentric ideas:

And herein lies all the power that anthropocentrism claims. It possesses the moral power of always prioritizing human needs and desires.  It provides the economic and political power of appropriating whatever humans can use from the natural world -from oceans, forests, rivers, grasslands, coasts, wildlife, domestic animals, genomes, or the crust of the Earth. Anthropocentrism creates the ontological power to elide the aces of taking as acts of taking, through their ceaseless (small to mega) enactments as unremarkably ordinary. And, finally, through the power of commonsensical standing anthropocentrism keeps people under the spell of all of the above.

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