World Population Day – July 11, 2019

| July 10, 2019 | Leave a Comment

Reflecting on Population Issues

Item Link: Access the Resource

Publication Info: National Today

Sure, you might know that there are more than 7 billion people on earth right now, but how often do you stop to think about what that really means? World Population Day is a holiday that’s dedicated to focusing on the importance of population issues. The day was established by the United Nations as an outgrowth of the massive interest people had in Five Billion Day in 1987. Five Billion Day was meant to acknowledge the date that the world’s population reached five billion people, which supposedly happened on July 11th that year (hence the annual date). And look how much the population has increased since then! Population issues cover a lot of territory, from family planning to gender equality to environmental impacts to human rights concerns.

Read on for more information to help you celebrate this important holiday.

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