Taking the bull by the horns

Taking the bull by the horns

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      The begining of a new year is a good reminder of the fact that, despite all our best efforts, the time to stop an environmental collapse of large proportions continues its countdown. This leads me to write the following reflections: we have enough information regarding the progressive damage that we are causing to the environment and the good news is that fortunately we have the knowledge and the technology to stop and reverse it. The great problem is our lack of courage to look at the monster in the eyes and tell it: that is enough. Many of us know that as long as the current system of economic relations continues existing, environmental deterioration will continue too. Sometimes this system wears a makeup of sustainability calming us down a little, making us think that we are doing a good job, giving us a different option from facing it decisively and therefore making us feel kind of satisfied. It is understandable, given that confronting such a powerful adversary, which is supported by a huge amount of human beings whom it has dazzled with an avalanche of technological amenities, looks a little bit complicated. But the deterioration advances. Our work proposal aims to a radical change but that should not scare us because we are clear that that change must be progressive, and does not imply that we should move from our houses or renounce the basic amenities of our life style. The matter is to have a fairly clear action plan, and work according to it. To carry it out we need the participation of many researchers, scientists, professionals of all specialties in general and social conductors whose political actions show the way to achieve the necessary changes. It is a titanic and difficult work, but it offers the reward of feeling that something really efective has been made to save the planet and our species. It is a matter of reflecting calmly and making the decision to act.

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