Meet Sailev, Environmental and Engaged Artist

Sailev | June 14, 2020 | Leave a Comment

In ‘Opening up to the Beauty of Nature and Advocating through Art”, read about Sailev’s fascinating journey from a business entrepreneur to an environmental artist. He challenged what he was taught to believe was the right way to live and took a drastic leap to align his actions to his values.

“Continuing with the same life principles would not move the needle. A transformation was necessary and it would not be light of consequences. In 2019 I decided to end my business career, I would become an environmental artist  and dedicate my entire time advocating environmental protection through art.”

I met with Sailev online through What’s next For Earth first project, Earth Circles, an Earth Day’s 50th-anniversary celebration in the time of COVID19. Sailev contributed to the project with the photo of a striking painting, “Coronavirus”,  depicting a face mask surrounded by bats, pangolins, and rats (2020 is the Year of the Rat in China). 

He is currently part of the HK Human Rights Arts Prize group exhibition at the HK Arts Centre in Hong Kong. All artworks are being auctioned to the benefit of the Justice Centre Hong Kong. Sailev is teaming up with The Nature Conservancy HK to to help conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends. He is also collaborating with the Hong Kong Shark Foundation to raise awareness about shark conservation.

~Michele Guieu, Eco-Artist, MAHB Member and MAHB Arts Community coordinator~

This article is part of the MAHB Arts Community‘s “More About the Arts and the Anthropocene”. If you are an artist interested in sharing your thoughts and artwork, as it relates to the topic, please send a message to Thank you. ~

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