A visual guide to deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest

| June 12, 2023 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: June 2

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: London, UK

Publisher: The Guardian

Author(s): Anna Leach, Harvey Symons, Lucy Swan, Patrick Greenfield

Fortunes of world’s largest rainforest and its Indigenous inhabitants have risen and fallen with political leadership.

The destruction and degradation of the world’s largest rainforest has happened in fits and starts. Spanning eight countries, the Amazon rainforest is home to an enormous concentration of life and culture. About half of it is located in Brazil, which is also the heart of the destruction.

The forest’s fortunes have risen and fallen with political leadership. About 17% of the Amazon has already gone, replaced by vast cattle ranches, mines and soy fields. If that figure reaches 20% to 25%, scientists believe the rainforest will lose the ability to sustain itself, with disastrous consequences.

See the full guide here.

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