My Climate Story

| July 5, 2023 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: May 21

Year of Publication: 2023

Publisher: Extinction Rebellion (XR)

Author(s): David Jesero

My name is David Jesero. I am from Uganda but based in Rwanda.

In 2018, I joined the climate movement, organizing first with Extinction Rebellion. In 2021, I also joined Climate Reality Leadership Corps, an initiative that includes training local leaders about climate change so that they can then educate others in their community. Founded by former US vice president Al Gore, I was trained by him online. The following year, 2022, I added two more movements: Scientist Rebellion, followed by Debt for Climate.

This story, beginning in Mawundwe village in central Uganda, traces and summarises my climate journey across key moments of my life, recollecting and sharing unerasable climate realities that have greatly shaped and influenced my involvement with the climate movement. On the other side, the story shows how my inquisitive approach toward farming helped me solve the pesticide puzzle, save my harvest, and protect nature, all by using hitherto unthought-of natural formulas to treat crops. What’s more, solving this challenge redefined my interaction with nature, leading me to become a caring, nurturing protector and steward. The story features my grandmother, a climate hero, a special friend, and a brave woman who looked after me during my first encounters with what I only recognize today as being climate change. I will always be deeply indebted to her.

Read the full story here.

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