Earth’s ‘vital signs’ worse than at any time in human history, scientists warn

| November 14, 2023 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: October 24

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: London, UK

Publisher: The Guardian

Author(s): Damian Carrington

Life on planet is in peril, say climate experts, as they call for a rapid and just transition to a sustainable future.

Earth’s “vital signs” are worse than at any time in human history, an international team of scientists has warned, meaning life on the planet is in peril.

Their report found that 20 of the 35 planetary vital signs they use to track the climate crisis are at record extremes. As well as greenhouse gas emissions, global temperature and sea level rise, the indicators also include human and livestock population numbers.

Read the full article here.

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