Florida sees thriving future if climate resilience managed, research finds

| May 24, 2024 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: May 3

Year of Publication: 2024

Publication City: New York, NY

Publisher: Guardian News & Media Limited

Author(s): Richard Luscombe

Florida wildlife corridor will spearhead climate resilience if allowed to evolve and essential preparatory work done, study says

Climate predictions in Florida, for the most part, make pretty grim reading. Rising oceans threaten to submerge most of the state by the end of the century, and soaring temperatures could make it too hot to live here anyway.

But new research by a coalition of prominent universities paints a more upbeat picture of Florida’s future as a thriving state for humans and wildlife, with natural resources harnessed to mitigate the worst effects of the climate emergency generally, as well as extreme weather events such as hurricanes and floods.

Read the full article here.

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