A letter from Paul Ehrlich and Joan Diamond

| May 13, 2024 | Leave a Comment

Paul Ehrlich

Dear friends of the MAHB,

Around the time of the centennial, Anne and I (Paul) were lamenting with fellow travelers working on the human predicament and its threat of a collapse of civilization. We had researched and promoted the best science, asked the toughest questions, and continually re-evaluated our progress and the ever-more rapid decline of our biophysical life support systems. We wrote scientific papers, popular books, and articles and appeared in a wide range of media outlets. We taught students and collaborated with colleagues from all fields and from around the world. As the century turned, we felt our efforts and life work had been in vain.

Out of this grew the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB), which, after multiple iterations, for the last decade has focused on bringing broad civil society into the conversation and helping people and organizations find their contribution to improving the prospects for the future. Under Joan’s leadership, we have shared almost 2000 blogs, and our library holds 2700 articles and resources.

Originally the MAHB was an initiative of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford, but, with my retirement and changes at Stanford, we are no longer an active part of Stanford and function with the Crans Foresight Analysis Consensus as our 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor. With the lack of funding, that is also coming to an end.

As you know, for the last four years we have actively searched for a new home or structure for the MAHB. After much rewarding interest, many creative ideas later, enthusiasm and support, and some very close calls, we must now put that search to an end.

You will hear very little from us in the coming months—a monthly update with a list of new articles in the library and perhaps a new thought piece. Unfortunately, we cannot accept inquiries for posting new blogs or research during this time. All of our work to date will continue to be easily accessible at mahb.stanford.edu.

It is possible that by the fourth quarter of 2024, the MAHB will rise from the ashes, redefining a meaningful role for our community in ameliorating the human predicament.

I want to thank each of you, our readers and contributors over the last decades, for your support, brilliance, insight, and dedication to building a beautiful future for humanity. I want to thank our dedicated volunteers who have done such outstanding work. A heartfelt thanks also goes to our international team of Erika Gavenus, Brittany Ganguly, Sibylle Frey, and Nina White for staffing support in the last decade.

This is not the last you will hear from me or the MAHB.

Kind regards,







PS: In response to member requests, we are collecting comments and testimonials from our community. If you would like to contribute your thoughts and experiences, please use the comment section below or send them to info@mahbonline.org.

Thank you!

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.