Population Matters!

A feed from http://www.population-matters.org/  of recent columns by Dr. Richard Grossman first published in the Durango (Colorado) Herald.  

Republishing of the articles is encouraged with the request that they remain intact and are attributed to the author and initial publication in the Durango Herald.  Questions can be directed to richard@population-matters.org.

22 May 2024. New Contraceptive Methods –             There are three pieces of good news about birth control methods. One is very old, but never really studied, one is brand new and one futuristic.             I spent some time in Paris studying French when I was in college. I also learned about a male method of birth control from a research assistant […]

30 April 2024. Childfree –            We were listening to Ann Patchett’s book of essays “These Precious Days” when “There are no children here” started. It is a remarkable essay in 23 parts, explaining why Patchett is not a mother.             One of the micro-essays upset me a bit. Patchett met a woman who had always known that she didn’t […]

2 April 2024. Self-Managed Abortion – Image from the Plan C website. “A safe abortion with pills requires only three things: accurate information, quality medications, and mutual respect and trust.”                  Doctors Without Borders             In the past there was a sharp division between safe (legal) abortions and unsafe (illegal) abortions. Recently that line […]

4 March 2024. The Truth about Abortion – Although there are many lies told about abortion, now we have the truth.

27 January 2024. Sometimes it is Best to Hide Contraceptive Use –             55 years ago a young patient and I were standing in the sun just outside the clinic doorway when a butterfly alighted on my left ear. “Yes, I would like to try an IUD” the patient said, amazed and apparently encouraged by the butterfly.             It was the summer between my 3rd and 4th years of medical school. […]

28 December 2023. The Other Side of Reproductive Coercion – The image above provides information about the article cited below.             Reproductive health abuses, especially coercion, have turned many people away from concern about human population. I agree: reproductive coercion should be shunned.             Examples of coercive actions include sterilization of both women and men in India—even though patients didn’t really know what was being done. Coerced […]

23 November 2023. Overpopulation and War – Aerial view of a residential section of the Gaza Strip When I was in high school, I read an advertisement in Scientific American magazine. It said, in part: “…unless a favorable balance of population and resources is achieved with a minimum of delay, there is in prospect a Dark Age of human misery, famine and […]

29 October 2023. Good News about Family Planning –             There is good news about human population. Access to voluntary family planning and to safe abortion services has not only helped women achieve their goals, but also helped slow our retreat from sustainability.             Dr. George Denniston wrote that people in Mexico have experienced “…a real miracle! Women going from having 5 kids to just 2 […]

17 October 2023. How to Laugh at a Senator –             Have you ever wanted to slap an elected official with whom you disagree—or do something more than just slap them? Well, some AIDS activists made a big splash when they rebelled against a legislator.             Jesse Helms was a conservative US senator from North Carolina who opposed gay rights and access to abortion care. His stance […]

26 August 2023. Denial is not just a River in Egypt – Image courtesy of NASA             It’s been unmistakably hot outside, but some people have different ways of dealing with what most of us recognize as anthropogenic climate change.             I asked one acquaintance what he thought about climate change. We had met when I was selling beer with our Bayfield Rotary Club on the 4th of July. He […]