Ideas for Action

Openly discuss all science of human population dynamics

The view that a complexity of factors impacts human population growth certainly makes sense, and many have correctly pointed out that scientifically organized efforts to deal with human problems must take account of manifold interconnected events, including linearity and non-linearity. Although it is necessary to recognize and acknowledge the complexities inherent in cultural life and the natural world, it is equally important that a dizzying array of variables not blind us to certain scientific facts of biophysical reality. Humankind is bound by such predominant facts because the workings of the world exist independently of human wishes and beliefs.
Extant scientific research accounts for the salient factors governing the dynamics of absolute global human population numbers. According to unfalsified findings, the size of the human population is determined first and foremost by food availability.

Reality is just as complex as we know it to be; but it is also clear from the research that the dynamics of human population growth is no longer preternatural but knowable, and that the population dynamics of Homo sapiens is not essentially different from the population dynamics of other species in both the complexity and the simplicity of the governing elements.

What is of so much concern and consternation now is the deeply disturbing recognition that all meritorious platforms for broad discussions of human population science like MAHB are narrowing the window of permissible discourse, thereby restricting people’s exposure to the best available science, issues of linearity and non-linearity notwithstanding. This failure to discuss ‘the whole truth’ regarding soon to become patently unsustainable human population growth in a time when a planetary emergency has been precipitated by the human species, is a woefully inadequate and unforgivable response to the existential situation looming before us. Children everywhere will have good reason to look back in anger and utter disbelief at this sin of omission by their elders.

Thank you,
Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on the Human Population
established 2001
Chapel Hill, NC
