Analysis: Climate change, scarcity chip away at degrowth taboo

| September 9, 2022 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: August 8

Year of Publication: 2022

Publication City: London, UK

Publisher: Reuters

Author(s): Federica Urso , Mark John


  • Fifty years since advent of degrowth theory
  • Long shunned, receives new attention
  • Climate change focuses debate on cutting consumption

Degrowth – the idea that a finite planet cannot sustain ever-increasing consumption – is about the closest you can get to a heresy in economics, where growth is widely held as the best route to prosperity.

But, as climate change accelerates and supply chain disruptions offer rich-world consumers an unaccustomed taste of scarcity, the theory is becoming less taboo and some have started to ponder what a degrowth world might look like.

Read the full article here.

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