Dave the Planet: Wake Up, America

| October 7, 2023 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: September 19

Year of Publication: 2023

Publisher: Dave the Planet 2024

Author(s): Dave Garner

Dave Gardner is running for U.S. President. He envisions a future in which our children can live decent lives, with clean, healthy air and water, no poverty, and an abundance of joy and fulfillment. But we have work to do. Learn more at https://davetheplanet2024.com

We are in the midst of a global crisis – ecological overshoot. We are demanding more from the Earth than She can sustainably provide. This is crippling Earth’s life-supporting ecosystems. And it’s causing our human-made systems to fail. Business as usual will leave a dead planet for our children. Our only hope to give generations to come a bright future is to treat overshoot as the emergency it is – and jettison the growth paradigm now. On day one, Dave will declare a national emergency and mobilize government, business, media, and the public in an urgent project to shrink our nation’s ecological footprint. This video provides an overview. Learn more about Dave’s platform at https://davetheplanet2024.com.

Watch the video here:

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