Do the Math: Using physics and estimation to assess energy, growth, and options

| August 7, 2023 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: July 10

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: San Diego, CA

Author(s): Tom Murphy

In May of this year, I had the opportunity to give a talk to my department on matters that concern me. What would I say? How could I pack 20 years of learning, Do the Math writing, and recent perspectives into a one-hour talk for my physics/astrophysics colleagues and for students just beginning their professional journeys? How could I have the biggest impact without coming off as being nuts?

As with many things we do in life, I have mixed feelings about the result: things I should have said; things I could have said differently/better; answers to questions that could have been less clumsy. But overall it seems to have worked. While people were not beating down my door to have further conversations, almost anyone I ran into from the department in the weeks that followed would bring it up—indicating that they had been ruminating on the content and expressing further curiosity. It helps that these are people who have known me for years in another context, but it was still a relief to not simply be dismissed as having veered from the one important path: physics research.

Watch the  Planetary Limits Perspectives video below and/or a short version (and more blog entries) here.


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