Earth Day 1970 – Part 1: Intro, Part 2: Gaylord Nelson’s Speech (CBS News with Walter Cronkite)

| April 22, 2022 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: April 22

Year of Publication: 1970

The original broadcast of CBS News Special Report with Walter Cronkite about the first Earth Day, 1970. Also known as Earth Week 1970.

After its launch in late 1969 at the University of Pennsylvania Design School by Regional Planning graduate students, the membership and activities of the Earth Week Committee expanded daily and exponentially, reaching a climax during Earth Week and Earth Day itself.

As news of the Committee’s activities and programs spread, fueled by intense press coverage, virtually every segment of society became involved. Young people initially took the lead, but soon blue-haired suburban garden club ladies enthusiastically joined in, as did many Christian, Jewish and Buddhist clerics whose sabbath sermons sought to reconcile the conflict between the biblical themes of “multiplying and subduing the earth” and man’s stewardship of the land (see CBS coverage).

Read the full article here and watch the videos here:



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