Grazed and Confused? How much can grazing livestock help to mitigate climate change?

| July 5, 2018 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Year of Publication: 2017

Publication City: Oxford, England

Publisher: Oxford Martin Programme on the Future of Food

Author(s): Food Climate Research Network

The livestock sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and the need for more grazing land drives deforestation in many parts of the world. Yet some people have speculatedgrass-fed livestock, if managed responsibly, might contribute to climate change mitigation efforts by actually stimulating grass to be more productive and put down deeper roots, drawing carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it in soils. In its recent report, Grazed and Confused? the Food Climate Research Network explored this argument, and concluded “that although there can be other benefits to grazing livestock —solving climate change isn’t one of them.”

Read the full report.

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