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Publication Info: Foodtank
Date of Publication: February, 2019
Author(s): Kari Hamerschlag, Lisa Archer
In the face of worsening climate chaos and massive economic inequities wreaking havoc on the nation, a broad coalition of social justice and environmental organizations and visionary politicians like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are building momentum for a Green New Deal. All elected leaders who care about our shared future should support this urgently needed vision for a just transition toward economic and environmental justice.
Importantly, Ocasio-Cortez’s proposal for a select committee recognizes that “eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural industries” and “investing in local-scale agriculture” must be part of the plan. For too long, governments and many climate advocates have left food and agriculture off the climate policy table. Yet studies show that we cannot avert climate chaos if we don’t support a rapid transition from large-scale, chemical-intensive food production toward healthier, less meat-centric, diversified, organic, and ecologically regenerative agriculture.
Read the full article here.
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