How will artificial intelligence influence climate science?

| February 19, 2024 | Leave a Comment


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Date of Publication: January 22

Year of Publication: 2024

Publication City: Stockholm, Sweden

Publisher: Stockholm Environment Institute

Author(s): Ylva Rylander

Climate change and its impacts extend far into the future; therefore, long-term perspectives are important for taking urgent climate action today and planning for both the short and long term. Long-term scenarios play a pivotal role in climate research and are used to predict how climate change will be valued and how societies will be affected.

AI is having a growing impact. Therefore, it is necessary to take this into account when studying climate policy issues. AI has the potential to change the conditions for how we conduct climate policy. –Fredrik Heintz, professor at Linköping University and performing research in Mistra Geopolitics

The development of AI has likely reached an inflection point, with significant implications for how research addresses emerging technologies and how it will drive long-term socioeconomic development linked to climate change scenarios. When researchers try to predict the future, they consider factors like the economy, geopolitics, climate change, emerging technologies and many other factors, and AI will affect all of these areas and the role they play in long-term scenarios.

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