The Great Simplification #82–Kevin Anderson: “The Uncomfortable Link between Climate and Equity

| August 6, 2023 | Leave a Comment

The Great Simplification

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: August 2

Year of Publication: 2023

Publisher: The Great Simplification

Author(s): Nate Hagens

In this episode, Nate is joined by climate scientist Kevin Anderson to discuss the possible paths of averting severe climate outcomes and how this is interconnected with equity. As nations plan their climate goals and coordinate with each other, it’s clear that extreme actions would be needed from everyone to meet the goal of keeping the global average temperature increase below 2ºC – if this is even possible. At the same time, there are wide disparities in greenhouse gas emissions between the materially wealthiest and poorest within and across countries. How are past inequities already affecting people in presently climate-impacted zones? How can concerned individuals begin incorporating changes and communicating with others in their own lives – and is it even worth it to do so? How can we attempt to balance the equity in standards of living and create rapid reductions in emissions, all while grappling with growing geopolitical tensions, declining energy availability, and the multitude of other converging risks in this impending poly-crisis?

About Kevin Anderson

Kevin is professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester and visiting professor at the Universities of Uppsala (Sweden) and Bergen (Norway). Formerly he held the position of Zennström professor (in Uppsala) and was director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research (UK). Kevin engages widely with governments, industry, and civil society, and remains research active with publications in Climate policy, Nature and Science. He has a decade’s industrial experience in the petrochemical industry, and is a chartered engineer and fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Listen to the podcast here.

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