International development can tackle the climate and migration crises together

| June 6, 2024 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: May 21

Year of Publication: 2024

Publication City: Paris, France

Publisher: The Conversation

Author(s): Nathan Einbinder

Without immediate action to help the world’s most vulnerable people adapt to climate change, millions face the prospect of their homes becoming unliveable, with no option but to leave.

Take the “dry corridor” of Central America, which stretches from Nicaragua in the south to the Mexican border in the north. Home to nearly 12 million people, the region is in the throes of yet another mega-drought. Recent heatwaves here have lasted months, sparking winter wildfires and drying up freshwater and soils.

The consequences, which have yet to be fully realised, will almost certainly include major crop losses and food shortages that could spur violent conflict and mean more desperate families on the move.

Read the full article here.

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