Overpopulation and the End Times: The Silence Continues

| August 15, 2023 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: July 11

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: London, UK

Publisher: jonathonporritt.com

Author(s): Jonathon Porritt


I can absolutely guarantee it will be ignored by every single environmental and development organisation here in the UK – and by the Green Party.

Frankly, I feel nothing but the deepest contempt for that continuing silence.

Let me clarify. I don’t have contempt for them as organisations. Their collective contribution to our prospects for a better world is still massive. My life today (as a veteran campaigner) is still informed and inspired by much of their work.

On population, however, their continuing refusal to acknowledge the importance of overpopulation (as a critical threat to those prospects for a better world) is craven, inexcusably self-interested (inasmuch as they don’t want to take “the flak” from anti-population “ultras” – both on the left and the right), and so deeply dishonest as to leave one asking what intellectual integrity any longer means to them.

Read the full article here.

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