Library Items

A future with no individual ownership is not a happy one: Property theory shows why
The Worst Addiction: Population Growth
The Great Simplification #95 – Sir David King: “Global Heating: The Science and the Response”
The Most Impactful Climate Action You Can Take?
Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood: A pilot randomized controlled trial
How to Convince a Country Not to Chop Down Its Rainforest
Scientists Pursue Climate Activism Despite Violent Threats
The Great Simplification #94 – Chuck Watson: “War, Rumours of War, and Governance”
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries
How to Fix the Planet, the Easy Way
Overpopulation is a major cause of biodiversity loss and smaller human populations are necessary to preserve what is left
Rivers and Water Systems as Weapons and Casualties of the Russia-Ukraine War
The Great Simplification #93 – Joris van der Schot: “Oil Refining 101 & Other Energy Stories”