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Date of Publication: January 31
Year of Publication: 2024
Author(s): Tamzin Ractliffe
The field of polycrisis philanthropy is emerging, though less rapidly than the polycrisis itself. Distinct from climate philanthropy, polycrisis philanthropy recognises the interconnected nature of global challenges, from climate disasters and health pandemics to economic inequality and political instability.
At the heart of the concept of the polycrisis is the understanding that we face not just isolated crises but a cascade of intersecting crises. These intertwined challenges create compounded impacts. This understanding, defined succinctly by the Cascade Institute, views the global polycrisis as a scenario in which interconnected crises in various systems lead to greater collective harm than isolated crises. The implication for polycrisis philanthropy is the recognition that, as there are no longer ‘single’ crises, there are also no longer ‘single’ solutions. Siloed solutions to philanthropy will just not work under the polycrisis paradigm.
The goal of polycrisis philanthropy is not just theoretical understanding but practical action. It aims to foster systemic change through a nuanced, holistic strategy.
Read the full article here.
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