State of India’s Environment 2023 in Figures

| August 4, 2023 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: June 4

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: New Delhi, India

Publisher: Centre for science and environment/Down To Earth

Author(s): T R Ramachandran

We released our “State of India’s Environment 2023: In Figures” in an eBook version, on the 4th of June. Since then we have received plenty of requests for a Print version of this report. So here we are with the Print version of this highly analytical book from the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE):

State of India’s Environment 2023: In Figures (PRINT Edition)

This book takes into account all the relevant figures, as of 31st March 2023. You will, therefore, get this most updated report, with figures, to dive deeper into the real environmental issues, to get a better perspective.

Data is about measurement and, as they say, the better we measure, the better we will get at managing them. That is exactly why we put together this dataset year after year – by giving all the facts in one place and assisting you in making the right decisions, quickly, every time.

This annual book analyses exclusive datasets by the government and other credible sources for better analysis of complex issues pertaining to the country’s environment and development. The first book in this series was released in 2016, and it endeavors to give you compelling data stories that are credible, and easy to comprehend, year after year.

Whether you are a Consultant, Policy maker, Bureaucrat, or even an IAS aspirant wanting to have more details at your fingertips, or a Researcher/decision-maker/NGO/Teacher or a student interested in environmental issues, you would benefit from this. This should be a must-buy for every Library of repute, for its ease of understanding even for the layman. 

Here is the link to order either the Print edition or the eBook – the choice is yours:

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.