Strawberry Case Study: What if Farmers Had to Pay for Water?

| January 9, 2024 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: December 29

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: New York, NY

Publisher: The New York Times

Author(s): Coral Davenport

With aquifers nationwide in dangerous decline, one part of California has tried essentially taxing groundwater. New research shows it’s working.

The strawberry, blackberry, and raspberry fields of the Pajaro Valley stretch for 10 miles along the coast of California’s Monterey Bay, jeweled with fruit from April through early December. The valley’s 30,000 acres of farmland are also ruffled with emerald lettuces, brussels sprouts, and varieties of kale, bringing in roughly $1 billion in revenue to the region each year.

All that abundance doesn’t come cheap.

Read the full article here.

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