The highest-impact career paths our research has identified so far

| September 5, 2023 | Leave a Comment

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: May

Year of Publication: 2023 (update)

Publication City: Oxford, UK

Publisher: 80,000 Hours

The highest-impact career for you is the one that allows you to make the biggest contribution to solving one of the world’s most pressing problems.

On this page, we list some broad categories of impactful careers, followed by about 30 more specific and unusual career paths we think are especially impactful, such as long-term AI policy research. The lists are based on 10 years of research and experience advising people, and represent the careers it seems to us will be most impactful over the long run if you get started on them now — though of course, we can’t be sure what the future holds.

Read the full article here.

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