World Scientists Warnings to Humanity – Planet in Crisis

| January 23, 2022 | Leave a Comment

Earth on fire (montage)

Item Link: Access the Resource

Date of Publication: November 10

Year of Publication: 2020

Publication City: London, UK

Author(s): Scientists Warning Europe

“Humanity has been Warned … Again!

What are the World Scientists Warnings and why are they so important?”

Co-author of the World Scientists Warning to Humanity a Second Notice in 2017, Prof. William Laurance, and Ed Gemmell, Managing Director of Scientists Warning Europe, dig into the vital importance of the three World Scientists Warnings and the actions demanded to save our planet from the climate and biodiversity crisis.

Professor William Laurance looks at the content of the warnings, examines the desperate recommendations given, the urgent actions that must be universally taken now, and updates the material in the warnings for today’s context.

Bill puts this all into the context of his own involvement in the creation of Second Warning and he looks at what it means for an academic article to gain endorsement by more than 20,000 scientists. Ed Gemmell will fill in some of the history of the Scientists Warnings and the effect the warnings had in bringing about his own ecological conversion. Ed will also describe the work of Scientists Warning Europe and the layout the road to COP26.

Watch the video here:

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