Human Behavior

Have humans become so powerful we take the environment for granted? What motivates our behaviors? What is our impact?

The Great Simplification #60- Nina Simons: “Dancing With Contradictions – A Systems View”
The Problem with Superchickens
The adults celebrating child-free lives
The Great Simplification #59 – Jonathan Haidt: “Social Psychology in an Age of Social Fragmentation”
Overshoot: Cognitive obsolescence and the population conundrum
Living in truth in a time of ecological ‘emergency’ and emergence: Vaclav Havel as eco-guru
Terminal Philosophy Syndrome: A Wake-Up Call for All
Book Launch: Speciesism, like racism, imperils humanity and the planet
The Great Simplification #52 – Giorgos Kallis: “Cultural Surplus and ‘Dépense’”
The Great Simplification #51 – DJ White: “Ocean Effectivism”
The Great Simplification #50 – Daniel Schmachtenberger: “Bend Not Break (5)”
Which Future Are We Living In?
The Great Simplification #48- Tomas Björkman: “The Great Transformation – Metamodernism and The Future”
New Book: The Vegan Evolution Transforming Diets and Agriculture
Celebrating the Festive Season without Mindless Consumption
Humans vs. Nature: Our Long and Destructive Journey to the Age of Extinction
The Great Simplification #47 – Patrick Ophuls: “Energy, Politics, and The Future”