
What will happen if the population continues to grow? What are ethical, viable strategies to reach a sustainable population?

The United Nations Population Fund Promotes Population Denial
Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Population
Declining population and GDP growth
Wilderness areas under threat from global redistribution of agriculture
Wealth Never Sleeps
EurASP Statement on Migration
Earth’s ‘vital signs’ worse than at any time in human history, scientists warn
The 2023 State of the Climate Report: Entering Uncharted Territory
The Worst Addiction: Population Growth
The Most Impactful Climate Action You Can Take?
How to Fix the Planet, the Easy Way
Sustainability, population and reproductive ethics
Dave the Planet: Wake Up, America
Press Release: Ground-breaking academic paper reveals the behavioural crisis driving anthropogenic ecological overshoot
World scientists’ warning: The behavioural crisis driving ecological overshoot
Mainstreaming Behaviour Change | Bill Ryerson
Mutilation of the tree of life via mass extinction of animal genera