
What will happen if the population continues to grow? What are ethical, viable strategies to reach a sustainable population?

Demographic Delusions: World Population Growth Is Exceeding Most Projections
Discussing the Silence and Denial around Population Growth and Its Environmental Impact. How Do We Find Ways Forward?
We need an Earth System Treaty to save civilization. And we need it now.
Humans Face Major Population ‘Correction’ This Century, Scientist Warns
Video: Why We Need an Earth Systems Treaty
The Human Ecology of Overshoot: Why a Major ‘Population Correction’ Is Inevitable
Iranian Filmmaker Goes Where the Mainstream Enviro Left Doesn’t Dare
Social and environmental influences of population growth rate and demographic pressure deserve greater attention in ecological economics
Overpopulation and the End Times: The Silence Continues
The World Economy Is A Pyramid Scheme, Steven Chu Says
Being Free Means Getting Climate Reparations Right: But Not Everyone Is Onboard – OpEd
Book Review: The Long Run
Reality Roundtable #02–“Deep(er) Ecology”: William Rees, Nora Bateson & Rex Weyler
Gattopardi and Cheap Labor
World Population Day: Harnessing Entertainment Education to Address The Rights of Women & Girls