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The Great Simplification #52 – Giorgos Kallis: “Cultural Surplus and ‘Dépense’”
New Book by Paul Ehrlich – Life: A Journey Through Science and Politics
Major mining road could be death knell for Sumatra’s lowland rainforests
The Great Simplification #51 – DJ White: “Ocean Effectivism”
The Climate Impact of Your Neighborhood, Mapped
The People Cheering for Humanity’s End
The Great Simplification #50 – Daniel Schmachtenberger: “Bend Not Break (5)”
CBS Documentary: Scientists say planet in midst of sixth mass extinction, Earth’s wildlife running out of places to live
Rerouting a major Indonesian mining road to spare nature and reduce development costs
The Collapse of Insects
Which Future Are We Living In?
Fusion Breakthroughs in Context: Professors Holdren and Bunn Reflect on Fusion Ignition Announcement
The world population reaches 8 billion
The Great Simplification #49 – Simon Michaux: “The Arcadians”
The Great Simplification #48- Tomas Björkman: “The Great Transformation – Metamodernism and The Future”