MAHB Newsletter for November 2023

| November 30, 2023 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: November

Year of Publication: 2023

Publication City: San Francisco, CA

Publisher: MAHB

Author(s): Sibylle Frey

Greetings to the MAHB Community,   

Check out what’s happening: Register for the “Too Much? Too Little? Too Late?” webinar on December 6 with experts Bill Rees, Nandita Bajai, and Rex Weyler, to uncover how economic and population growth intersect with renewable energy sources.

Discover the resilience of scientists facing threats, the world’s worst addiction, and delve into the State of the World 2023 Climate Report. Examine the Production Gap Report, revealing the plan of governments to double fossil fuel production. Access the Statement on Migration from The European Alliance for a Sustainable Population (eurASP).

And, with the holiday season approaching, challenge consumerism with insights on “How to Buy Nothing” (yes, that’s right).

Reflect on November’s blogs covering the need for Big History teaching, how ghosts in the console can teach us about love for the natural world (see for yourself), period poverty in rural Africa, an art blog on how to shift towards a regenerative Symbiocene, and an interview with feminist Katy Deepwell.

Explore our resources, including the latest Planetary Boundary update, insights on why property brings happiness, a documentary on the disappearance of the nonhuman world, an assessment of trees’ carbon absorption capacity, inconvenient truths about biodiversity loss, and the intriguing concept that money never sleeps.

Don’t miss Nate Hagens’ podcasts featuring David Holmgren on the systemic potentials of permaculture and Chuck Watson discussing recent nuclear developments between Russia and the United States, exploring ways to minimize existential risks.

Visit the Arts Section for the extended art call, “Meeting Essential Community Needs,” based on the Think Resilience course by the Post Carbon Institute. The deadline is now December 31, 2023. Watch the accompanying recording here.

Don’t forget to check out the latest MAHB announcements here.

You can read or download the full newsletter from the link provided above (please note that not all newsletter elements may align due to the archiving process).

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.