Library Items

The most important issue about water is not supply, but how it is used
Consumption-based emissions: a new frontier for EU climate policy
Unpacking COP28: Key Outcomes from the Dubai Climate Talks, and What Comes Next
Transpersonal Ecodelia: Surveying Psychedelically Induced Biophilia
The Great Simplification #103 – Peter Brannen: “Deep Time, Mass Extinctions, and Today”
Strawberry Case Study: What if Farmers Had to Pay for Water?
Earth Was Due for Another Year of Record Warmth. But This Warm?
Scientists’ warning on loss of insect biodiversity and implications for sustainable agriculture
What drives land take and urban land expansion? A systematic review
Scientists’ Warning: Remove the Barriers to Contraception Access, for Health of Women and the Planet
Land matters: why we need better land use decision making
The Great Simplification – The Human Predicament in 22 Clips
The Great Simplification #102 – Bill McKibben: “Climate, Movements, and Power”
Conviction of Leading Animal Activist Could Ignite a Populist Revolution
Webinar recording – Q&A with Dr. Madeline Weld: Is Natural Population Decline a Concern?