Landmark publication timed for the COP26: Opportunities to get involved

Landmark publication timed for the COP26: Opportunities to get involved

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    • #47082
      Justin Stevens

      Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this!

      I am helping to edit a landmark publication timed for the COP26 summit in Glasgow (November 2021), which covers various themes connected to climate change, with contributions by 16 authors across the world. Working in collaboration with universities, civil society organisations and scientists, we are aiming for the book to make lasting impact for communities facing the prospect of having to adapt and build resilience to climate change.

      We need additional volunteers to help us review, proofread, edit and promote the book, with chances to get involved with a landmark collaborative project that will have an international audience.

      If you are interested just drop me a reply and I will get back to you.


    • #47187
      MAHB Admin

      Hi Justin, feel free to reach out to me at to discuss other ways to share this within the MAHB community.

    • #50623
      Barbara Williams

      Hi Justin,

      How are you getting on with this publication? I have been looking into the Cultural issues that cause climate change, I wondered whether the contributors to your book might consider supporting an idea that I have come up with of a Universal Aspiration to be ratified by the UN? There are more details in the petition

      I have also worked on a more ambitious idea to suggest that we should challenge some of the UN Sustainable Development goals, specifically goals which do not take into account the ecological limits of our Earth. I have suggested a rewrite for SDG 8, my proposed replacement for SDG8 specifically addresses ecological overshoot. The proposed SDG8 is on
      Contact me on if you are interested in this angle for your book. I would be happy to give an opinion on the COP26 book. I have self-published a book myself, it is called ‘Saving Us From Ourselves – Can we repair 50 years of ecological overshoot?’ and it is free to download from my website:

      Best wishes
      Barbara Williams

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