The MAHB: Mission Impossible?

The MAHB: Mission Impossible?

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    • #6217

      Please use this space to discuss  Paul R. Ehrlich’s MAHB Blog post The MAHB: Mission Impossible?  Click on the link below to read more.

      The MAHB: Mission Impossible?

    • #6223

      On behalf of Andrew Frank:

      The problems are indeed interconnected, and the solutions are also interconnected. We have to have a concerted effort to educate the youth of the world, they are the most receptive to new information. This is our most cost effective option to promote change, in my opinion, although there are in fact many important fronts in this battle to save civilization. See my website, Restore The Planet Project, for more information.

      -Andrew Frank

    • #6225

      On behalf of Earon:

      But humans ARE the perfect storm. The biological and geological systems of this planet can not withstand our insane tinkering and greed and arrogance. The enemy is us, and we’d better recognize that soon, because there is a small window during which we might change our cultures to institute reforms to save our species. Unfortunately, we can’t do this piecemeal or incrementally. We can’t pretend that a technology or strategy will lead us to victory over nature – because our need to control nature is what is destroying us.


    • #6227

      On behalf of Jeffrey Broadbent:

      Dowding faced divisions of opinion based on inaccurate beliefs on how to best defend against the common enemy, even though they all acknowledged the imminent peril from the enemy. In our present situation, global climate change is the common enemy of humankind (not to speak of other species). Except for the divided and stymied United States, the political leaderships of the major emitting countries all seem to acknowledge the immensity of the common threat (according to Compon newspaper studies). But despite that, around the world the major thrust of most population strata and productive organizations is to either protect (or amplify) their existing prosperity, to attain some better degree of future prosperity, or lacking any opportunities, just to survive. Leaders are pushed by the resulting demands. Most leaders seem also convinced that other nations will cheat on common rules that call for painful change in consumption habits or goals. This global situation poses quite different strategic solution parameters than faced by Dowding. How best can those concerned about the long run insert their efforts to reduce the common threat?

      -Jeffrey Broadbent

    • #6231

      On behalf of Luis Pacheco:

      I agree with the fundamental principles of MAHB, that is the reason I joined the network in the first place. However, I do not agree with any attempt of comparing, and even less positively, the “fight” for sustainability with any war, no matter it was “won” or “lost”. I do not think any war is positive.
      I would rather keep MAHB’s fundamental principles far away from any sort of violent human expressions.

      Best regards,

      Luis Pacheco

    • #6233

      On behalf of Joseph Woodhosue:

      This posting contains crucial insights into the current planetary predicament. As in the example of the air war over England during World War II, our response to our current global problems is muted and sidetracked by the dysfunctional awareness of “conservatives” who cannot see the problems clearly nor understand the big picture complexity and interconnectedness of our planet rapidly declining habitability.

      I don’t see how we can begin to actually solve our problems without a complete and thorough understanding of why the collective human awareness has become so dysfunctional, the dynamic patterns pertaining to its persistence and the possibility of developing a skill in modulating awareness as a corrective.

      -Joseph Woodhosue

    • #6239

      On behalf of Michael Mielke:


      This is superb. I knew much of this but you supplied considerable detail.

      Foresight intelligence is certainly required along with the “grass roots,” or civilians as they were know then.

      Civilians/grass-roots approach was certainly used when we did the last major national legislation on ecology & environment.

      It will be required again as we cooperate to price carbon and much more.

      -Michael Mielke

    • #6687

      Okay, here is Bill Dowling’s  attempt at some foresight intelligence, for what it is worth!
      (Please note – I have also posted this comment under the forum topic : The Few and the MAHB)In my opinion we are simply too disunited to achieve anything.I do not think we are too few, we just need to get better organised.What this situation really calls for is coordinated mass demonstrations outside of as many embassies as possible all over the world,  all on the same day – such as World Population Day 2014 (& repeated on 2015, 16 & 17 if necessary!) BUT – we must all be demanding, and this I strongly feel is extremely important,  exactly the same thing! And therein lies the rub. Can we ever get enough people to agree on exactly what it is we environmentally concerned people and NGOs all collectively want?
      I think all the people in power and influence don’t really know or understand what we want collectively because we are all pulling in slightly different directions with our own pet projects, all at the same time. And, I am pretty sure the public are pretty unsure and quite confused about all this “environmental stuff” too.
      This is where something like the “Consensus Statement by Global Scientists” comes in, BUT –  it must be signed up to by as many “green ” national and international  bodies as can possibly be mustered first.This is of absolutely key importance  – isn’t it?. United we stand, divided we fall. If we cant even agree amongst the few of ourselves, how on earth can we expect to persuade enough of the 7 billion other people out there to follow our lead?
      Armed with such a single common “hymn sheet” being waved and “sung to” by all these many 1000′s of demonstrators, all on the same day all over the world,  with such a strong united front being presented, we should, at last, stand a fighting chance of being heard and listened to by all the powers that be.
      At the very least – just think of all the publicity this would gain via the media.

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