
The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Are humans helping or hurting our environment?

What drives land take and urban land expansion? A systematic review
Scientists’ Warning: Remove the Barriers to Contraception Access, for Health of Women and the Planet
Land matters: why we need better land use decision making
The Great Simplification – The Human Predicament in 22 Clips
The Great Simplification #102 – Bill McKibben: “Climate, Movements, and Power”
Webinar recording – Q&A with Dr. Madeline Weld: Is Natural Population Decline a Concern?
Planet Earth: Habitat for Humanity Only?
The Great Simplification #101 – Nate Hagens: Arthur Berman: “Shale Oil and the Slurping Sound”
Future of the human climate niche
The United Nations Population Fund Promotes Population Denial
Timber Harvesting and Climate Change Are Depleting Europe’s Mature Forests
The Great Simplification #100 – Nate Hagens: “Episode 100 – The Great Simplification” (Interview by Kate Raworth)
Ecological Footprint and Sustainable Population
Quiz: Are You a Climate Nerd?
Webinar recording: Navigating Beyond Zero Carbon Strategies
The Great Simplification #99 – Jeremy Grantham: “Pollution, Population & Purpose”