MAHB Newsletter for March 2024

| March 30, 2024 | Leave a Comment

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Date of Publication: March

Year of Publication: 2024

Publication City: San Francisco, CA

Publisher: MAHB

Author(s): Sibylle Frey

Greetings to the MAHB Community,   

Check out the latest developments:

Our March blogs include:

Resources this month include:

  • An article on the extraction of raw materials, which could rise by 60% by 2060 – and the impossibility of making mining “greener”.
  • A new study finds that policymakers, researchers, and activists in Sub-Saharan Africa endorse family planning policies that promote environmental sustainability (paper available).
  • A study on how lower economic growth rates may limit global warming to 1.5°C (paper available)
  • An article questioning whether the term “ecosystem services” is fit for purpose – and for whom.
  • A study finds that the decline of animal biodiversity due to human impacts endangers ecosystem heterogeneity and human well-being (paper available).
  • A report by the Population Media Center shows that the main barriers to contraceptive use are fear, rumors, and norms around religion, fatalism, or patriarchy (report available).

Podcasts and videos:

Highlighted in our podcasts and videos section is a discussion featuring renowned vegan chef, entrepreneur, and activist Miyoko Schinner, along with Carter Dillard from the Fair Start Movement, as they delve into topics around sustainability, food justice, and animal rights.

Also, don’t miss the conversation between Nate Hagens and astrophysicist Sandra Faber. Can our capability to comprehend the history of the universe and the evolution of life on our planet provide meaning and encourage biophysically and ecologically aligned systems?

Arts section:

Read the art blog “When Enough is Abundance” and watch the two Whats Next For Earth video recordings of artists’ presentations – one on “Meeting Essential Community Needs” and the other on “Resilience in Major Sectors”. Both presentations are based on the Think Resilience course by the Post Carbon Institute.

Don’t forget to check out the latest MAHB announcements here.

You can read or download the full newsletter from the link provided above (please note that not all newsletter elements may align due to the archiving process).

The views and opinions expressed through the MAHB Website are those of the contributing authors and do not necessarily reflect an official position of the MAHB. The MAHB aims to share a range of perspectives and welcomes the discussions that they prompt.